Proven Results Made Simple
Enjoy all of the benefits of an injection molding process control system that we’ve all come to know and trust with the added bonus of an extremely user-friendly interface and an AI-powered advisor. This system packs in all of RJG’s vast amounts of knowledge and experience into a tiny box, which now provides real-time advice to get you back to making good parts again fast. The best part? It’s so easy, people with any experience level can now fix a process!
The Power of Process Control Software
Injection molding process control software allows you to see what’s happening inside the machine and mold, know the quality of the product, understand what is changing from shot to shot, and optimize your process. This opens up the door for countless benefits, including improved part quality, reduced scrap, faster cycle times, increased output, higher revenue, and more.
Introducing MAX, the Process Advisor®

MAX works day and night to ensure your processes are up and running how they should be. Run into a snag? MAX will be right by your side to help make your process right again without the need to track down the process engineer for every little fix. No matter your skill level, MAX has your back (with a few fun Master Molder tips along the way too)!
How MAX Works for You
Molding Automation Xperience, or MAX for short, features an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that provides step-by-step advice to help you restore your process to optimal performance. This smart AI, powered by proven Master Molder® techniques, delivers you with an unparalleled level of control, efficiency, and quality never before possible.
Product documentation
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