Access Business Group, LLC is a direct selling company that specializes in air and water treatment systems. The company is based in Michigan but our products are sold around the globe.
Prior to working with the RJG TZERO® Team we had been struggling with imperfectly designed products/parts. We also suffered from poor mold and machine maintenance practices, and general lack of knowledge of mold functions, machine performance, material characteristics and scientific process development at our Asian suppliers.
Access began working with RJG’s TZERO group in early 2015 on an air treatment product assembly that included 15 plastic parts. The team analyzed the part designs, discussed part performance, and made recommendations on part design, gate, runner, and cooling. Using simulation software RJG performed thermal, fill, pack, and warp analysis. In-mold sensor placement recommendations were given and they identified the machine capability, and they helped us with finding the right supplier. The simulation data allowed us to immediately set up the molding machine and verify the machine process and in-mold sensor curves were accurate on that first tool launch. This service resulted in a much improved design, reduced cycle time, and it reduced the risk of an unsuccessful tool launch.
Working with RJG’s TZERO group has proved to have a huge value in the development of our product. With RJG’s TZERO group we were able to identify inadequate part designs, predict molding defects, optimize mold design, and pinpoint potential assembly complications through numerous simulations. In the end, the work with TZERO provided significant improvements in all areas that will save the company an estimated $4 million per year in piece price.
Access Business Group delivers premium products that help people to live a healthier lifestyle. We take pride in what we do and push every step of the process from design to manufacturing to the highest level possible. We will not settle for less than the best because that is what our customers expect. RJG continues to push the envelope with new processing methodologies and are constantly upgrading their equipment to keep pace with today’s ever-changing environment. And with early detection we can ensure that our consumer is receiving a product that meets all its requirements from appearance to dimensional and performance criteria. We expect RJG’s TZERO to become a standard procedure when launching new products.
Jeremy Williams
Principal Engineer
Access Business Group, LLC.