Are you struggling with a part that you just can’t get quite right? Perhaps one cavity is intermittently shorting, blocking itself off, or the mould tool has cavity balance issues causing dimensional faults?
If you’re in injection moulding, then there’s likely to be at least one mould tool that’s a pain and needs constant attention. Over a year, this type of job can cost thousands in hard costs like material and machine power but also incurs soft costs such as personnel time, cost of rejects, and the biggest cost, the cost of losing credibility with customers.
How an eDART can help is to display the quality of each component in real time during the cycle. This can be then used to segregate bad parts at the source, and a template of the process can be saved and monitored for process variation or adjustments remotely at your desk.
RJG’s eDART system can give the right tools to fix the process. An important advantage is its ability to detect a fault when and where it’s happening in the part, not upstream in the injection moulding machine parameters where people normally monitor with limited results.
We are now offering our eDART training course in an online format. The course naturally lends itself to the online platform due to the fact that eDART curves can be accessed remotely. The UK online eDART course runs over 4 days and uses real injection moulding machines in our lab with eDART systems installed. The course contents are sent to each trainee as a PDF and cover the following subjects:
- eDART system, machine, and mould sensors
- eDART installation to an injection moulding machine
- Cavity sensor types, selection, and placement strategies
- eDART V10 software setup, curve interpretation, and templates
- Sorting output settings and alarm strategies
- Correlation studies
- Cavity pressure changeover theory and procedure
If you really want an edge with preparing for Industry 4.0 and want to know how an eDART can be used to guarantee optimum profitability, efficiency, and compliance with environmental requirements, then please contact john.lobozzo@rjginc.co.uk or phone 07816757951 for more information.
Limited seats are available so sign up now at https://www.rjginc.co.uk/training/registration