EDM Software Version 2.9.0


What’s New in eDART Data Manager Release 2.9

  • Update Apache Tomcat version to 9.0.43
  • Update Java to OpenJDK version 11.0.10
  • Modified file permissions to allow webpage to change EDM configurations

What’s New in eDART Data Manager Release 2.8

  • Added support for Hub transaction files on the eDART
  • Fixed bug with race condition between user initiated data backup and EDM initiated backup
  • Fixed bug where it was disallowing eDART connections even though they were listed in the iplist

What’s New in eDART Data Manager Release 2.7.2

  • Same as 2.7.1 except prevents damage to XP systems.

What’s New in eDART Data Manager Release 2.7.1

  • EDM will no longer cross copy ‘too large’ files down to an eDART, causing it to be marked corrupt.
  • Fixed a bug in EDM’s discovery logic. This prevents a problem where eDART Locator would not find eDARTs, but they appear normally in ASO.
  • ASO: Updated signature.

 What’s New in eDART Data Manager Release 2.6.1

  • Updated ASO to align with java security practices.

 What’s New in eDART Data Manager Release 2.3.6

  • Fixed a bug which would cause the EDM service to crash when eDARTs would connect and disconnect.
  • Fixed a bug in the cross copy where files at any level would not get copied if the deepest mold level contained no cross copied files.

 What’s New in eDART Data Manager Release 2.3.5

  • Fixed bug where on eDART Network Setup page you could not change eDART Network interface

 What’s New in eDART Data Manager Release 2.3.4

  • Fixed bug where crosscopy backup if taking too long would make the EDM Watchdog restart the EDM service because it thought the EDM was locked up
  • Fixed ASO where if you had many Edarts if you selected an Edart it would scroll erratically
  • Fixed ASO where ASO table and History screen would not correctly distribute available space correctly
  • Fixed ASO where if you removed all columns you could not add them back

 What’s New in eDART Data Manager Release 2.3.2

  • Readded support for HTML Overview on EDM webpage

 What’s New in eDART Data Manager Release 2.3.1

  • Fixed a bug where if the EDM was receiving too many updates from eDarts the ASO screen would become out of sync and it would cancel all data and rerequest it.
  • Modified “Alarm State” column so that if no Alarms are set it will now display ‘No Alarms Set’ in white and not just show ‘Good’ with a green background.
  • Fixed the edm_watchdog so that if no eDARTs are attached it will not throw and exception
  • Added the HTML Overview page back

 What’s New in eDART Data Manager Release 2.3

  • Replaced old File Cleanup with file cleanup integrated into the EDM service, the new file cleanup checks free space at the beginning of every data backup, when the drive reaches 98% full, it will removes files until they are below 95%.  It will try to keep a ratio of 75% cycle data, 22.5% summary, and 2.5% log files.
  • Cross copy now creates zip files of the configuration folder on a daily basis. It will keep one a day for a week, then one a week for a month, and then one a month for 6 months.
  • The notes feature on the ASO now shows all notes for a job in a list. If you click on a certain note on the summary graph it will highlight it in the list.  If you select one in the list it will scroll to it on the summary graph.

 What’s New in eDART Data Manager Release 2.2.1

  • Added columns for Machine Cell and Machine Plant
  • Added columns for Remote users count
  • Readded support for printing summary and cycle graphs in ASO
  • Various bug fixes with ASO

 What’s New in eDART Data Manager Release 2.2

 Required eDART Software

 eDART Software Version 8.9 with the ASO Robustness Patch

  • eDART Software Version 8.9 from the RJG Website Does Not include the ASO Robustness Patch.

 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed problem when adding a fixed column that would cause corrupt the ASO display.
  • Modified units selection to be more similar to eDART
  • Fixed bug in EDM service that would display rows in ASO as blank lines
  • Fixed bug in EDM service that would cause service to crash if PSD sent up invalid values

 What’s New in eDART Data Manager Release 2.1

 Required eDART Software

  • eDART Software Version 8.9 with the ASO Robustness Patch
    • eDART Software Version 8.9 from the RJG Website Does Not include the ASO Robustness Patch.

Foundational Changes:

  • Removed the RJG Data Service from the EDM.
    • This software was previously responsible for sending information to the Advanced System Overview.
  • Data transmission from the eDART to the EDM now uses Port 55320.  It no longer uses Port 9999.
  • Client PCs that run the ASO now use Port 55330.  They no longer connect using Port 9999.
  • Improved hand shakes and connections between the EDM and the eDART create a more robust communication.

User Features:

  • Summary Graph Notes are not viewable on the Process Viewer Summary Graph.
  • The unit of measure can be changed when using the Process Viewer.
  • Machines on the ASO can now be displayed based on the eDART Group Name assigned to the eDART.
  • The left hand columns on the ASO can be locked in position.
    • This allows columns such as Mold Name to remain visible when scrolling the ASO to the right.