We are proud to have a new machine from CH America in our Traverse City, Michigan training facility. The new Focus 60 is a 60-ton, modern, high quality injection molding machine ideal for small parts. It combines a fast-response gear pump with a high-precision servo drive that provides a lightning quick response time, super precision, and significant energy savings. The Focus 60 is part of CH America’s complete line of machines up to 7,615 tons.
“We are proud to have the opportunity to place two of our new Focus Series 60 ton toggles at RJG’s training centers,” said Erik Eggen, Sales Manager at CH America. “RJG is a recognized leader in process control and data acquisition, and we look forward to working with them to help molders make better parts and informed technical process decisions based on real time data.”
In combination with RJG technology, the Focus 60 machine will allow students to gain hands-on experience with the industry’s latest innovations. We would not be able to offer this invaluable experience without the help of our phenomenal lab partners.
To see upcoming RJG training courses, check out our registration page.